Thursday, December 08, 2005

Is is time for an Opensource ERP?

Oracle is starting from their ERP from scratch - so is Microsoft with their project code name "Project Green", well if the opensource movement is for real can an opensource equivalent be built and delivered before the Oracle or Microsoft's versions are out?

Enterprise Resource Planning systems are the next thing up the stack  for opensource to move to.

Planned obsolescence by vendors has to be controlled where a purchase running into the millions of dollars is deliberately deprecated to forcibly drive repeat sales. The faster you can force customers to upgrade the better your revenue? This is a mantra that seems to be what is causing the shift in the software landscape. The natural tendency is for one to assume lasting ownership for what you buy.

Compiere, ofBiz are examples of opensource variants but how widely they are used and what size businesses they support is still up in the air.

Compiere has the short coming of relying on specific databases namely Oracle and Sybase. A more open choice would be preferable in this case Postgresql, Firebird or Mysql being prefered choices.

Ofbiz feels like it is a framework on which ERP can be built an example of this is the Sequoia ERP which is built on an ofbiz infrastructure.

Can opensource ERP come out on top or should this be structured via a governing body like the Apache Foundation?

Fo one I think business likes things that are structured and a structure opensource ERP much like  the  Apache Foundation or the Eclipse foundation is  necessary.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Query by example with hibernate and spring

I did this to get hibernate's query by example to work from spring 

Bibliography - David Carter -

import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Example;
import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException ;

List getCats(final Cat cat) {
if (cat == null) {
return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Cat");
} else {
// filter on properties set in the cat
HibernateCallback callback = new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
Example ex = Example.create(cat).ignoreCase()
return session.createCriteria(Cat.class).add(ex).list();
return (List) getHibernateTemplate().execute(callback);

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ubuntu Linux get IBM seal of approval

Yay for Ubuntu Linux!

See story:

Friday, October 21, 2005

No Reason for MS Office

One reason Open Office 2.0 is out!

The formulas are translating as they should so it bye bye Excel and
Hello open office 2.0.


Nuff said.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Fedora Core 4 dependency Issue

Because I had upgraded my version of Fedora from Core 3 to core 4 there
were some dependency problems that I ran into when I ran yum update. The
issue I had wa seventually resolved by uninstalling the hardware
abstrction layer "hal" and reinstalling it by the following

yum remove hal
yum install hal
yum update

Now Fedora Core 4 is happy and I am happy

Red Hat Dependency Hell

Yum update is on my RedHat Fedora Core 4 is returning errors on
missing dependencies. This reminds me of DLL Hell on Windows. I am at
the verge of switching back to FreeBSD :( once I can confirm java is
working fine on FreeBSD I am outta here.

Monday, September 19, 2005

South Africa looking for open source suppliers

The revolution has begun!

South African government is tossing proprietary
software for open source!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Tsuro naGudo CGI animation!

Someone suggested that some of our folk tales that we were tolded as
we were growing up may need to be animated. That sound like a splendid
We just need to storyboard a simple Tsuro naGudo story and get
cranking on the rendering. Any artists out there?

Blender ( and Gimp ( can
help with this big time and they are FREE!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Where the hell is opensource in Zimbabwe?

While opensource has provided other developing nations Such as india, Brazil and China unparalleled flexibility and regaining if control of their IT futures. The question still remains to be answered where is the legislation to bring sweeping infrastructure changes to a country that already is strapped for capital?

We need government to give opensource a chance in rebuilding technology infrastructure.

South Africa with Mark Shuttleworth and Ubuntu have made phenomenal strides in this respect This version of Linux really kicks tail, Redhat et al.

The following list delves into replacement options and new software that you may have never heard of that is free. On the left is the package that is proprietary and costs a lot of money in licencing and on the right is the FREE alternative.

MS Office Word, Excel and powerpoint - Open office at
Web Browser - Firefox
Mail - Thunderbird or Evolution
databases - mysql ( or postgresql (
Web Servers - Apache (
Graphical editor - photoshop equivalent - The Gimp (

Blender is a cool animation package that has been used in movies like of Spiderman for some of the graphics
check it out at - Get some artists to start producing some Zimbabwean animation for crying out loud!

Open Movie project (

Check some of these out before you dismiss this opensource, this ain't your grand daddy's opensource. This stuff works!


CSS Tables

Ran into some cool Cascading Style Sheets table design repository.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Free as in Beer PL/SQL to java converter

I think writing a PL/SQL to java converter makes sense. I can't seem to
find any free ones.

Technology and Zimbabwe book shortage

In Zimbabwe there is a huge shortage of books in schools and i was
thinking about how best that this can be alleviated.

Could all books be converted to a PDF or any internet downloadable
format to allow them to be printed to ordinary paper by ordinary printers?
That way a teacher when he goes to a growth point where they have
internet connectivity can download the latest course material and
teaching guides. Well this is a bit far fetched but I think having books
as open courseware may allow some of the disadvantaged schools to have
access to some of the best material for the best schools like Goromonzi,
Gokomere, Mazowe, St Ignatius, Eaglesvale, Chisipite, Arundel, etc in
the form of simple paper printouts. Would this work?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Migrating popular Databases to Mysql

No need for convoluted code to migrate to MySql now you can use the Migration tool that they offer. Cool!