Monday, January 14, 2008

Stories of Java's demise exaggerated

Quite frankly there is not a day that passes without somebody mouthing off and blogging that java is dead. To be honest people you will be dead and Java will still be around. I couldn't care less how cool it is to build an HTML page, in the end it is all a web page. Groovy and grails are already solving the problem of complexity. Try it for yourself and see.

Here are steps to build a sample app:

1) download grails from
2) Unzip file that you downloaded to some directory
3) point your GRAILS_HOME environment variable to the directory to which you unzipped the file
4) $GRAILS_HOME/bin/grails create-app myApp
5) CD to directory myApp
6) Execute grails run-app
7) open your browser navigate to http://localhost:8080/myApp

How hard can it be? Seriously.

You don't even need to configure a database if you are in a hurry a lightweight database is supplied.

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